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Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

Sunflower Seeds

Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

Help! I'm Turning into My Mother!

Recently I renewed my driver’s license. As usual, I had my picture taken. When the clerk handed me my new license and I looked at the picture, I almost gasped. For smiling back at me was my mother! Or at least the lady (namely me!) looked a lot like my mother, Millie.

Help! I’m Turning into My Mother!

Recently I renewed my driver’s license. As usual, I had my picture taken. When the clerk handed me my new license and I looked at the picture, I almost gasped. For smiling back at me was my mother! Or at least the lady (namely me!) looked a lot like my mother, Millie.

What Would You Like to Say to the Next Pope?

The recent resignation of Pope Benedict XVI certainly surprised the world. After all, no pope has resigned in about 600 years. Citing his age and health, the Holy Father said he could no longer perform his duties as pope. I give the man credit. Most popes stayed in office until their death. Benedict’s decision says […]

The Suffering of Abraham Lincoln

Steven Spielberg’s recent movie, Lincoln, starring Daniel Day-Lewis, has rekindled my love and esteem for Abraham Lincoln. Over the years I have read many books on Lincoln, viewed documentaries, and even spent a day at the Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum ( in Springfield, IL. What a sterling human being he was!

Valentine's Day: A Day to Celebrate Love

Happy Valentine’s Day! If I could, I would send each of you a real rose or a piece of chocolate. But since that’s not possible, I’m sending you some “lovely” quotes instead. I like these quotes on love very much. I hope you like them too: 

Valentine’s Day: A Day to Celebrate Love

Happy Valentine’s Day! If I could, I would send each of you a real rose or a piece of chocolate. But since that’s not possible, I’m sending you some “lovely” quotes instead. I like these quotes on love very much. I hope you like them too: 

Whose Clothes Are in Your Closet?

There’s a TV commercial for a credit card company that ends with the question, “What’s in your wallet?” Today I pose a similar question, “Whose clothes are in your closet?”

A Few Spoonfuls of Soil from South Korea

In 2004 I attended an international meeting of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Inchon, South Korea. I spent a month there with about 40 Notre Dame Sisters from all over the world. It was a wonderul experience.

Deer Tracks in the Snow

The other morning as I was walking over to Church, I spotted some deer tracks in the newly fallen snow in our back yard. They made me stop in my tracks. And they elicited an audible “aah!” from me as I bent over to study them more closely.

“Tattoos on the Heart”

Recently I read an incredible book called Tattoos on the Heart by Father Gregory Boyle, a Jesuit priest. For twenty years Fr. Boyle has worked with gangs in Los Angeles where there are an estimated 1,100 gangs and 86,000 gang members. Fr. Boyle founded and runs Homeboy Industries, a gang intervention program that offers jobs, education, […]