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Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

Sunflower Seeds

Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

Daffodils and the Incarnation

When we hear the word Incarnation, many of us probably think: That’s the moment Mary conceived Jesus in her womb. This leads us to think of the Incarnation as an event that happened once, over 2,000 years ago, in a country far away from most of us. God became a human being, lived, taught, died, rose, ascended. And that’s that. But perhaps we can gain a greater appreciation of the Incarnation by reflecting on daffodils. 

Theologian Margaret Silf puts it this way. In spring, she says, when she goes out to her garden in the backyard, she finds herself saying, “O look! The daffodils are back.” But even as she speaks these words, she realizes they are not really accurate. The daffodils are not back. They have appeared in her backyard, yes, but they were in her backyard all winter long. Their bulbs were nestled beneath the ground, harboring all their stored sunlight from the previous summer. And when the conditions were just right (proper temperature, proper light, proper moisture) they began to sprout green shoots which pushed themselves up through the soil in quest once again for the life-giving rays of the sun.

daffodils bunch (1)
The daffodils are not back. They have been here all along!

Silf suggests the Incarnation might have been something like that. God didn’t first enter our world when Mary said her great yes at the Annunciation. God was already here! But Mary’s “yes” made the conditions “just right” for God to take flesh in our world, that is, to appear as a human being. By extension, when Jesus ascended into heaven, he didn’t leave the world. He is still present here in many ways: in the Spirit he sent, the Eucharist he gave us, the sacred scripture we read and ponder. But Jesus is also present in us. Jesus is present in me. That’s what the Incarnation also means.

The Incarnation means God has taken up residence within our world, within us. But it’s deeper than mere residence. It’s not as if God is merely

Jesus lives in me. Jesus is in the circumstances of my particular life.
Jesus lives in me. Jesus is involved in the circumstances of my particular life.

“residing” on some mountaintop or in our garage. No, God is involved in our human history, in our world events. God is involved in the circumstances of our personal lives—whether we want God to be there or not. As the psychologist Carl Jung had etched above the entrance to his house: “Summoned or not, God will be there.”

And there’s even more. God is living not only in our world, but in our hearts, closer to us than we can comprehend or even imagine. Traditionally we’ve called this “residing” of God in us “the Divine Indwelling”—a rather beautiful phrase.

In his book, The Holy Longing, Ronald Rolheiser, OMI, calls the Incarnation the “central mystery within all of Christianity.” He also says “it is the most misunderstood, or more accurately, to coin a phrase, under-understood.” He emphasizes that the Incarnation “is still going on and it is just as real and as radically physical as when Jesus of Nazareth, in the flesh, walked the dirt roads of Palestine.” How? In and through us, the Body of Believers.

I find great consolation and excitement in thinking of the Incarnation in these terms. God’s presence in the natural world underscores its sacredness. From a tiny frog to a giant whale, from a towering Sequoia to a lowly hydrogen atom, from the air we breathe to the water we drink—all, all is sacred. God’s presence in our world events gives me hope and urges me to get involved with these events in order to help fashion a better world. God’s presence in other people leads me toward greater respect and concern for all people. And finally, God’s presence in myself, gives me strength and courage to live my faith more deeply every day.


God lives in a special way the Body of Believers.
God is incarnate in a special way in the Body of Believers.

It is winter for many of us living in the northern hemisphere. When I look out my window, I don’t see too much life right now. The trees are bare. If I didn’t know better, I’d say they’re dead. The bird population has diminished significantly. And I haven’t seen our resident chipmunks scurrying on our side porch for a while either. Also I see no bees. I see no other insects such as flies, mosquitoes, ladybugs, grasshoppers. But appearances can be deceiving. The world is not dead. It is very much alive. The sap in those trees will soon rise causing new leaves to sprout. Those absent birds will return and begin building their nests. Our resident chipmunks (who are currently in semi-hibernation) will be tearing up our flower beds again soon. Those bees (hunkered down in their hives) will soon venture out in search of nectar. And all those insect eggs (presently tucked in the soil or within the cracks of tree bark or beneath dead leaves) will soon hatch and a new generation of insects will populate the world.

Yes, the mystery of the Incarnation is written everywhere in creation—in the trees, the birds, the chipmunks, the insects. And also in the daffodils.

What does the Incarnation mean to you?

How have you experienced God’s presence in our world and in your particular life?

10 Responses

  1. Much of creation is hidden in plain view during winter much like the Incarnation. We just need to pay attention to God speaking us underneath the snow.

    Sometimes in my busyness, I forget that Jesus is right there but I have lost sight of God under my own “snow.”

    Good reminders Sr. Melannie!


  2. What a timely column this is for me, Sr. Melannie! This makes me think of loved ones who have crossed over. My Grandma Mary passed in 2005, but this last Saturday marked her 100th birthday. She loved birthdays. I actually dreamt about her on that day. So did my mother (her daughter). I’m taking that as a sign that she is, as you say, “very much alive,” just in a way that we cannot see. I like to think she was celebrating on the other side, and that she knew we were celebrating her life here too.

  3. Bishop Thomas had Sunday Mass in our convent the 18th. In his homily he said that before we receive Communion we should ask,”Jesus, where are you staying”.? I dutifully did that and got a powerful answer – just like Jesus was answering me loudly, “Julie, I’m in your heart”!
    Sr. Julie, osf Tiffin

  4. Your mention of Rolheiser’s quote that the Incarnation is “under-understood” really resonated for me. It is just recently that I am understanding at a heart level (versus just a head level) that God does reside in me, and can work through me if I allow Him to. Just like the daffodils, I know He’s always been there, but it’s just recently that I’m attuned enough to His whispers, and it is a magical thing! Thank you so much for this imagery, and this post!

    I’d also like to thank you for your book “Traits of A Healthy Spirituality.” While reading that book I heard God’s whisper to form groups of moms who would meet monthly to read it together, reflect on it, and then discuss it’s impact. You have been touching the lives of three different groups (8 moms in each) for over a year, and I am about to form group #4 and #5 next month. I would LOVE to talk to you more about the impact you have made and would be honored if you emailed me back… Blessings, Claire

  5. This was a beautiful reflection, Melannie. I’ve always loved the truth of Jesus being incarnated in each if us, and we need to bring him to birth for others. I always say in the Angelus, …….and dwells among us, rather than “dwelt “.
    Thank you much for for this inspiring message and for touching so many hearts with all of them!
    Blessings Josita

  6. Sometimes too awesome for me to ‘get my head around ‘the concept that Jesus is involved in the circumstances of my life. No matter how many times I hear the whisper or nudge of Spirit, it always amazes me. Praying on the way to work I hear Trust Me and I am in awe.

  7. Like the chipmunks, the bees and the insect eggs that during the cold winter hunker down awaiting warmer days to wander out of their lairs, our Lord waits quietly within me when worry, temptation, business and yes, sin and despair make my prayerlife, if any, cold and despondent. He doesnot push himself forcefully to change me; his love is too gentle for that, but strong and unending its always there; and He patiently waits for his whisperings, reminders and consolations to warm me so He can show himself and move me to cry out: Lord, you’re back! How truly you say, He’s always been here. I had just stopped holding onto his hand.

  8. Our landscape is constantly changing. Another inch of snow added to a foot of snow below. The snow-driven winds create banks of snow. And when the sun appears, it is often a prettier picture than before. But remember…there’s a constant, a foundation, underneath the white mound. God is at work always, whether in winter or summer. The Master truly expresses His love in all seasons of our lives.

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