- By Melannie Svoboda SND
When we pray, should we use our own words or someone else’s words? I believe the short answer is both. There are times we use own words and times when we use the words of others. In addition, there are times when we pray with no words–as when we sit
- By Melannie Svoboda SND
As many of you know, I write occasionally for Give Us This Day, a wonderful and inspiring monthly booklet published by Liturgical Press. Each issue contains the daily Mass readings complete with reflections by authors both ancient and contemporary. Each reflection is limited to 250 words. Today I’m sharing my
- By Melannie Svoboda SND
Last month I flew to Florida for a few days of R&R with two good SND friends living in Safety Harbor. I admit, I had been feeling a little depressed by our news headlines lately–not to mention our extremely cold and dreary weather. So before I left, I asked God,
- By Melannie Svoboda SND
I’m reading a new book called Little Detours and Spiritual Adventures: Inspiration for Times When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned. The author is Regina Brett, a local Cleveland area gal (Yeah, Northeast Ohio!), a wife, mother, grandmother, Catholic, and a journalist whose book God Never Blinks made it to the
- By Melannie Svoboda SND
If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you know I like to collect quotations. I’ve been doing this since I was in high school. In fact, every time I read a book, I put a few 3 X 5 file cards in it–in case I run
- By Melannie Svoboda SND
Today we’re going to celebrate Black History Month by using a special love of mine: an organization called Story Corps. Let’s begin with a few words about Black History month. The celebration of Black History month can be traced back to a historian named Carter G. Woodson. The son of
- By Melannie Svoboda SND
On February 12, 2012 I wrote the first reflection for a new blog I called Sunflower Seeds: Celebrating Everyday Spirituality. This week marks the 13th anniversary of that venture. As I look back over the past 13 years, my heart is filled with wonder and gratitude. In the beginning, I
- By Melannie Svoboda SND
I’ve read quite a few books about the aging process. At 80, I need all the help and insights I can get! One of the most creative and charming books I’ve read on this topic is She: The Old Woman Who Took Over My Life by Kathryn Tucker Windham. First,
- By Melannie Svoboda SND
As a child, I was afraid of octopuses. When we went swimming at nearby Fairport Harbor, my father had to reassure me there were no octopuses in Lake Erie! But, over the years, my fear of octopuses morphed into fascination. That’s due to my exposure to some of the latest
- By Melannie Svoboda SND
On November 25 I used a quote from the book A God in the House, edited by Ilya Kaminsky and Katherine Towler. The book is a collection of interviews with nineteen American poets about spirituality and the craft of writing. Today I would like to share with you a few