Sunflower Seeds


Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

Sunflower Seeds

Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

A Christmas Prayer for Divine Intrusion

Christmas is a time to celebrate the coming of Jesus into our world and into our personal everyday lives. Here is a little poem I wrote for Christmas, but it can be prayed all year long.

“Prayer for Divine Intrusion”

God of infinite love, come into my life.

Walk beside me, hold my hand, pat me on the back when I need it.

Help me up when I fall down. Help me down when I’m puffed up.

Encourage me, support me. Inspire me, disarm me.

Broaden my vision. Expand my understanding.

Inflame my heart with love for all who enter the circle of my life,

(Source: Werbe Fabrik: Pixabay)

But especially for those in need.

Listen to my cries, my sighs, my silence.

Say yes to me. Say no to me.

Feed me, need me. Hug me, bug me.

Teach me to say I’m sorry. Teach me to say I forgive.

Set high standards for me. Make demands upon me.

Never mistake my stubborn NO! to you as my final answer.

Free me from my tendency to wrap around myself.

Enlarge my world. Direct my attention to all that really matters.

Fill my life with your signs, and help me to notice and interpret them wisely.

Accept me as I am,

But keep nudging me to be a better version of who I already am.

Melt my coldness. Smooth my rough edges.

Play with me, dance with me, weep with me, laugh with me.

Help me to live less cautiously.

Keep telling me to grow up. Keep telling me to be more childlike.

Bless me with a ton of patience,

But never let me be completely satisfied with the way things are.

Increase my thirst for you. Deepen my trust in you.

Love me. Love me. Love me.


(Source: Oldiefan, Pixabay)

I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas! My Christmas card this year says: “God’s smallest wonders often bring the greatest joys… Wishing you the warmth and wonder of this season of love.”

I’m offering two songs for you. The first is the traditional “Silent Night” sung by the Daughters of St. Paul, a choir of nuns. The second is a contemporary song sung by Faith Hill: “A Baby Changes Everything.” I’d add: especially this particular baby!

“Silent Night”:


“A Baby Changes Everything”:

Any responses to the poem, the songs, or Christmas itself?


31 Responses

  1. What a wise and heart-felt prayer. I always enjoy reading your blog. Merry Christmas to you, Sr. Melannie!

  2. A lovely prayer! I’ve just shared it on Facebook. May Jesus bless you abundantly as you celebrate the Feast of his Nativity. Merry Christmas, Sr. Melannie.

  3. Beautiful I sent it to Sister Renetta to copy for me I love it and plan to read it often. Simple and profound!!! Be blessed this Christmas with a Merry Joyful Hopeful for Jesu’s coming.

  4. Thank you for sharing your beautiful prayer! Wishing you a Joyful Christmas! Here’ the wish from my Christmas card:

    May Love embrace you this holy season and may you be the Presence of Love in our world throughout the coming New Year!

  5. Thank you Sister Melanie,
    Your prayer is inspiring and the song “A Baby Changes Everything was very powerful, seen in the Light of the Gospel and then our own lives.
    Please have Joyous Christmas and a Happy, Healthy 2017!

  6. Sister Melanie,
    I echo all those who commented before me, I really like your prayer.
    May you enjoy a blessed and beautiful Christmas, and may you continue to be a beacon of light for all of us you read your blog.

  7. Love your prayer! We can all use some Divine Intrusion everyday.
    Merry Christmas to you and all of your sisters, who I was lucky to have as former educators!

  8. Thanks you for the wonderful poem! My husband read it and is intending to use part of it as the grace before our traditional Christmas Eve dinner.

    May God bless you and grant you a blessed New Year.


  9. Merry Christmas, Sister. Thank you for your wonderful poem, I always forget to ask Jesus for dances and His love. You always find the best music too as I have not heard of The Baby song by Faith Hill.
    I wish you a Christmas and New Year blessed by Jesus for great health, continued wisdom and the joy of His love and many dances.

    Blessings always,


  10. Sister Melannie,

    What a beautiful poem! The title itself — “Divine Intrusion” — is a poem! And the line “Listen to my cries, sighs, and silence” — what wonderful music! What a delightful prayer! What a gift you are!

    Merry Christmas!

  11. Hi Sister Melannie,
    Thanks for sharing. Really beautiful, just like you:) Merry Christmas!
    Love your friend,

  12. I loved the Poem; I thought You wrote it specifically for me alone. I will pray it all year long. Thank You for being where we are; You always know our needs. I read You each week and look forward to your writings. When are you coming to Pittsburgh Pa? So enjoyed your last visit too long ago. Blessed and Merry Christmas! Peggy

  13. What a beautiful poem you are sharing with us! I am so grateful each week when I see what you have sent us. A blessed Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

  14. Sr. Melannie…loved your prayer and plan on using it often…the song A Baby Changes Everything hit a nerve close to my heart. My daughter had a baby boy this past year. Her son’s were 15, 13 and 10. They thought their family was complete but God had other plans. He is such a joy and blessing. On holidays, I get the food on, we say Grace and I get to rock the baby while everyone eats. So as I get to rock my baby and listen to family chatter, I will pray for all of you, especially for Sr. Melamine for enriching my life. God Bless.

  15. Your beautiful prayer has become part of my daily meditation – one phrase a day in the early morning will be the theme to work on to improve my reltionship with the Lord. Maybe by this time next year some of my rough edges will have been smoothed out. I deeply appreciate your weekly reflections.

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Hi and welcome to my blog! I’m Sister Melannie, a Sister of Notre Dame residing in Chardon, Ohio, USA. I’ve been very lucky! I was raised in a loving family on a small farm in northeast Ohio. I also entered the SNDs right after high school. Over the years, my ministries have included high school and college teaching, novice director, congregational leadership, spiritual direction, retreat facilitating, and writing. I hope you enjoy “Sunflower Seeds” and will consider subscribing below. I’d love to have you in our “sunflower community.” Thank you!

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