What Jesus Did NOT Say
One way to appreciate what Jesus said is to imagine what he could have said but didn’t. Here are ten examples I came up with. Beside each one, I have put the gospel reference that tells what Jesus really said: (more…)
The Need for Rituals
As I drive the highways, I sometimes notice a small cross with flowers by the side of the road. The homemade “shrine” tells me, “Someone was killed here.” And I say a prayer for them. The need to mark these tragic deaths with the ritual of a little shrine seems to run deep in our human psyche. (more…)
Five Pieces of Advice
Two weeks ago I came across the six core beliefs of President Harry S. Truman:
Friendship: The Eighth Sacrament
Friendship has been by far one of the greatest blessings in my life. I agree with the spiritual writer, Alice Camille, who says that friendship should be named the eighth sacrament. (more…)
When God Comes as Earthquake
The writer Meister Eckhart wrote, “There is nothing in all creation so like God as stillness.” In contrast, a Hasidic Jewish teaching says, “God is an earthquake.” Which is it? Is God stillness or earthquake?