Thou Shalt Have Leisure Time
Did you know that one of the Ten Commandments is “Thou Shalt Have Leisure Time”? It’s contained in the third commandment: “Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath day” (Ex. 20:8). We Christians tend to equate the third commandment with going to church on Sunday. Or with refraining from “servile work” or from shopping on that […]
What Are Your Dreams for a Better World?
The world needs dreamers, those individuals who see the world the way it is and envision a better one. What are your dreams for a better world? You might want to take a few minutes to reflect on that question before you read the rest of this post…Or you can read some of my dreams […]
The Spirituality of Standing in Line
The next time you’re standing in a line at the check-out, a fast food place, or a movie theater, take a minute to reflect on what you’re doing. Although standing in line can be a pain at times, the practice is really quite amazing. (I want to thank Barbara from Winchester, VA for sending me […]
What Would Jesus See?
Jesus gave us a new way of seeing. He did this through his parables and teachings; he did this through his life.
Let's Celebrate Universe Day!
It is widely accepted in the scientific community that the universe began 13.7 billion years ago with a massive, colossal, gigantic explosion called “The Big Bang.” At this moment all matter came into being. This means that everything that was, is, and will be traces itself back to this moment. I should mention, however, that […]
Let’s Celebrate Universe Day!
It is widely accepted in the scientific community that the universe began 13.7 billion years ago with a massive, colossal, gigantic explosion called “The Big Bang.” At this moment all matter came into being. This means that everything that was, is, and will be traces itself back to this moment. I should mention, however, that […]
Something that Haunts Me: The High Cost of Low Prices
On April 24 a huge building collapsed near Dhaka, Bangladesh killing 1,129 garment workers. It was the deadliest disaster in the history of the global garment industry.
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for Today
This Friday, June 7, is the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This devotion is a centuries old tradition in the Catholic Church, but I confess: I have had a hard time with it.
Relatives: Those People You Don't Get to Choose
Last week I attended my niece’s graduation at Colorado State University. Melannie (yes, she was named after me) received her PhD in ecology. I flew out there with my sister (Mary Ann), a niece (Lori), a nephew (John), and a grandnephew (Aaron) to celebrate this wonderful achievement.
Relatives: Those People You Don’t Get to Choose
Last week I attended my niece’s graduation at Colorado State University. Melannie (yes, she was named after me) received her PhD in ecology. I flew out there with my sister (Mary Ann), a niece (Lori), a nephew (John), and a grandnephew (Aaron) to celebrate this wonderful achievement.