Sunflower Seeds


Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

Sunflower Seeds

Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

A Reflection on the Person in My Mirror

Today I’d like to offer this reflection on the person in my mirror. Maybe you can say similar things to the person you see in your mirror…

Dear person I meet every morning in my mirror…

… the person who’s been with me every moment of my life, and who’s been with me everywhere I have ever been.

… the person I don’t always remember to pray for directly.

… the person I sometimes ignore or forget about as I start the busyness of my day.

… the person I’m sometimes angry with… tired of… proud of… surprised by… ashamed of.

… the person I seldom take the time to really get to know… who sometimes feels like a complete stranger to me.

… the person I sometimes feel sorry for… make excuses for… am too easy on.

… the person I won’t forgive for doing a certain thing in the past… the person I sometimes don’t like… the person I’m too hard on.

… the person I sometimes say mean things to like: “You’re stupid!… You’re so lazy, so selfish!.. You’re no good!… Can’t you do anything right?”

… the person I sometimes ask: “Why can’t you be more like So-and-So?”

… the person I often make great demands on: “I know you’re totally exhausted… I know your back hurts… I know you can’t keep your eyes open, but you must keep working, working, working… If you don’t do this thing, who will?”

(Photo by Gantas Vaiciulenas – Pexels)

Today might be a good day to remember the person in your mirror.

… to thank this person for being you.

… to remember that this person was made by God in God’s own image… is a child of God… is loved by God.

… to remember this person deserves your love and respect…. because charity begins at home.

… to give credit to this person for all the good things this person has done during their life… for all the times they rose to the occasion… for all the times they were a strong and loving presence for others… for all the times they got it right.

… to forgive this person for the times they fell short… they made mistakes… they made bad choices… they sinned.

… to challenge this person to reach out to someone in need… to not complain so much about the way things are… or (to paraphrase St. John of the Cross) to put love where there is no love and there will be love.

… to remind this person: “If you want to make this world a better place, then take a look at yourself and make even a small change in yourself for the better.”

… to say to this person in the mirror: “Thank you for being my primary instrument for bringing God’s love, mercy, and peace into the world… by what I do… where I go… who I am.”

(Photo by Andred Mouton – Pexels)

For reflection:

Did any words or phrases stand out for you in this reflection?

What are some of the ways we can show love and respect for ourselves?

When you look in the mirror, who or what do you see?

Is there anything else you would say to the person in the mirror?

I’m offering two videos today. The first is “Image of God” by We Are Messengers/New Hope. It reminds us of the respect we owe ourselves and others because we are all made in God’s image. The second is that classic song “The Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson, released in 1988. This version is sung along with historic film clips. Some images are difficult to watch–such as pictures of starving children… Adolf Hitler inciting the crowds… Civil Rights violence… assasinations. But interspersed are more positive: Gandhi, Bishop Tutu, Mother Theresa, ordinary people helping people need. I think the images, though many are of the past, are very timely–as we continue to face the challenges of divisiveness, violence, injustices, fears and uncertainties of all kinds…

“Image of God”

“The Man in the Mirror”:

I invite you to add a comment below. I appreciate hearing from you!

15 Responses

  1. It appears I’m not alone. It was like you’ve been in my head. I get stuck in negative self talk and you captured it. But then you provided alternative positive affirmations. Thank you! I loved the music/videos

  2. Good morning, Melannie…
    Good morning, all…

    First, thank you for this oh-so-very important reminder to pause, look, and see who we are, be that reflection real or metaphorical; to see our good and our not-so-good; to see our strength and our weakness; to see our past, our present, and maybe even our future; to slow down, consider who we are — God’s children — and then wash our hands and face, brush our teeth, open the door, and go forth with the joy of mercy, love, and forgiveness!

  3. Gracias Sister
    Truly an eye opening blog this morning
    So much unrest and ugliness in this world but we remember that our Lord is our Savior and Strength and I’m one of his flock, I’m me and truly Blessed!

  4. Thank you Sister Melannie for this timely Advent reminder. As we spend time waiting for “the light of the world” to come into our hearts and dispel the darkness, that God had already done that! It is so easy to see that in the faces of others like in the video of “Image of God” but much harder to see in the face that looks back at me in the mirror. I know that I am made in God’s image but I don’t really KNOW deep done in my heart, in my be-ing. I guess I need to focus more on the goodness and light that God has put in my life, in our world than on the darkness and my own brokenness. I have a lot to think about with this week’s reflection. Thanks, Sister Melannie, for being part of God’s light in my life. God bless you and each one of us.

  5. Wow! This opened me up to the meaning of ”Man in the Mirror” which I never really understood its immense popularity till now. John of the Cross’s statement on love stuck with me the most. Where there is evil there is just no love. Where there is love there can be no evil. John is saying to put love where there is no love and if we do this there can be no evil, no hate, no prejudice. So beautiful! When I look in the mirror, I see an imperfect proud individual who is confident in himself but what I need to tell myself is to be humble and love, love, love all that there is to love (everything). In Carmel, Brandon.

  6. Wow and wow! Thank you for the powerful reminders Melannie. John took the words right out of my head, ditto. I pray for so many others every day, now I will remember to pray for me too in gratitude.

  7. Deep down, a person can also say that they deserve better than often blaming themselves for their poor condition. They can logically ask how can I feel better, why should I feel better, who or what would help convince me I’m deserving of respect? How could I formulate a concept to help me? The answers might be framed in human terms or religious terms. If I seek them one way or another, I’ll find them. One possible way is by asking another for help. Another is by looking into a book or a fine blog, like this one.

  8. thank you — I needed those reminders.

    May a resolution be to do all those kinds things for that person in the mirror. 🙂

  9. Thank you, Sr. Melanie! Sorry, my spell check will not let me spell your name correctly.
    Wow! What a powerful blog and reflection! This is very appropriate for what I am experiencing right now–divorce after 37 years of marriage and this divorce was not my idea. Thank you for your insightful blog, reflections, and music videos. God truly speaks through your ministry! God bless you and Merry Christmas, Sister Melannie!!! Catherine

  10. Love the message and your choice of songs…..tears flow when watching all the smiling faces “Made in the Image of God”. Christmas blessings and joy all through the New Year for sharing “Life” with us.

  11. I read this on Christmas Day & really needed it! Many are caretakers, nurturers, & helpers in a moments notice. I find it hard to stop exhausting myself because I feel useful, fulfilled & as if I am doing God’s will.

    My generation was more selfless & looked for ways to lift others up because ”there but for the grace of God, go I”.

    However, this reality check hit home. I need to practice more self love & to take care of me so I can recharge my batteries & continue to be a better version of myself than I was yesterday. My obstacle is I feel guilty. If anyone has any tips on how to give myself permission to be good to me once in awhile I would so appreciate it.

    Loved the music….thank you all for the responses & Sr. Melanie, this necessary reflection.

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Hi and welcome to my blog! I’m Sister Melannie, a Sister of Notre Dame residing in Chardon, Ohio, USA. I’ve been very lucky! I was raised in a loving family on a small farm in northeast Ohio. I also entered the SNDs right after high school. Over the years, my ministries have included high school and college teaching, novice director, congregational leadership, spiritual direction, retreat facilitating, and writing. I hope you enjoy “Sunflower Seeds” and will consider subscribing below. I’d love to have you in our “sunflower community.” Thank you!

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