Sunflower Seeds


Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

Sunflower Seeds

Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

Stories Flowing from the Christmas Story

(Photo by Markus Spiske – Pexels)

We’re all very familiar with the story of the first Christmas. But here are a few other stories that flow from that first Christmas.

The real meaning of Christmas:

A priest friend of mine went into a large discount store to buy a nativity set. When he didn’t see any amid the vast array of Christmas items, he asked a clerk if they had any. “Oh, no,” she said. “We don’t sell stuff like that–only Christmas things.”… Millions of people all over the world celebrate Christmas, but how many of us keep in mind the real meaning of Christmas: the coming of Jesus into our world?

(Photo by Jessica Lewis – Pexels)

God works through all kinds of people:

The Christmas story sets before us an array of individuals who played a role in that first Christmas: a first-time mom, a mere teenager, giving birth in a barn 100 miles from home; a conscientious and protective young husband, a simple carpenter by trade; an egotistical emporer who wants to count the millions of people in his vast empire–to make sure he’s getting all the tax money due to him–no matter what great inconvenience his order has on his subjects; a bevy of singing angels; a band of hard scrabble shepherds doing what shepherds do: watch their sheep–especially at night; a mysterious trio of scholarly star-gazers in search of a baby-king; a megalomaniacal local tetrarch who gives a horrific order to slaughter young boys two and under; his obedient and brutal soldiers who carry out his awful command; the wailing parents of those slaughtered little boys, victims of powerful evil forces inflicting unimaginable suffering upon them.

One lesson the Christmas story teaches us is this: God works through all kinds of people. All kinds. The young and old, the simple and sophisticated, the rich and poor, the kind and ruthless, the good and bad. Each individual listed above played a role in salvation history. Some did it knowingly; others without any knowledge. Some through their love and goodness; others through their wickedness and evil; still others through their innocent suffering that made it possible for Jesus to live. One question Christmas poses for us is this: what role am I currently playing in the story of salvation?

(Photo by David Orsborner – Pexels)

Let us not forget the children:

Christmas is for children. And sometimes children can remind us of what Christmas is really all about.

Fifth graders were asked: what is the meaning of Christmas for you? One girl wrote, “Christmas means giving, loving, and family.”

In his letter to Santa, one 6-year-old boy asked for a weekend.

In her letter to Santa, one girl began by telling Santa: “I have been 80% good.” Her parents admired her honesty.

One little girl put this note next to the cookies and eggnog she put out for Santa: “If you really like eggnog, go into our refrigiator.”

The students were asked to write about how they feel about Christmas. Said one girl: “I’m really happy for God to have a birthday, because he is always taking care of us.”

School Christmas pageants don’t always go as planned. The children were told to ad lib their lines. So when Joseph and Mary came to the inn and asked if they had any room, the innkeeper said, “Heck no! We’re booked till Easter!”

In this Christmas pageant from a church in Tennessee we see a beautiful nativity scene with Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus in the manger, an angel, two barn animals, and a sheep. Everything’s going fine until the sheep snatches baby Jesus from the manger:

For reflection:

What does Christmas mean to you?

What’s your favorite part of the Christmas story?

What’s your favorite part of celebrating Christmas?

Do you have a favorite Christmas song?

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas…

filled with gratitude for all your blessings…

overflowing with love and sharing with others…

and permeated with peace and joy and hope!

I chose a beautiful version of “Silent Night” by musician and songwriter Bravely Gray. I like the piano and voice and all the candles amid a stark wooden background. In the film clips, I also like the humanity of the people who were there at the first Christmas. I like the fact that the video depicts the Magi arriving a couple of years after Jesus’ birth. That’s what scripture implies. And finally, I love the little boy Jesus who greets the Magi at his home!

As usual, I welcome you to write a comment below:

22 Responses

  1. Merry Christmas, Melannie!
    Merry Christmas, all!

    Christmas is all about the unexpected — God’s beautifully unexpected vision of his love for all! Shepherds, unclean shepherds, are the first to praise him and spread the good news. Astronomers, probably pagans, search diligently for him, find him, honor him. A virgin becomes pregnant, a man listens to his dreams instead of society. All so very unexpected, so beautiful, so for all! And let us never forget — Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were once refugees fleeing harm. What’s old is new.

  2. Merry Christmas Sr. Melannie!

    Our Catholic Church will be closed permamently on Christmas Day. Looking for ways to fit in a new parish and find unexpected ways to fit in with a new community. Just like Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we are on a journey seeking peace.

  3. Merry Christmas, Sr. Melannie! Wishing you a very happy Christmas and a blessed New Year. I’m still laughing from the pageant video…thank you for sharing.

  4. Hi Sister Melanie, what a beautiful rendition of this beloved carol. Having been to the Holy Land, it fits in so well with the region of his actual birth. As depicted in the actual land, it was just outside of the actual city of Bethlehem that Jesus was born. I can still see myself standing there looking at this field. Sadly Bethlehem is not now Christian.

    To all, have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.

  5. Merry Christmas Sr Melannie!
    Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher.
    The old and familiar Christmas story becomes fresh and new with each part of this week’s blog.

  6. Merry Christmas! The Christmas Pageant video is priceless! No wonder God loves the children so!
    I am grateful for you and your gift of writing. Thank you

  7. Merry Christmas!
    I laughed during the pageant video and I cried listening to that beautiful Silent Night video. Thank you so much for sharing!

  8. Merry Christmas Sister.
    Thinking about Chardon, St Mary’s, beautiful Christmases with my family and friends and snow.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year🎄

  9. Hi Sister Melannie,
    My Dad is ay home in hospice and I just played the song close to his ear. Thank for this gift. Wishing you many many more Blessed and Joyful Christmas. I have been following you since the retreat you did in Bideford Maine approx. 7 yrs ago. Your retreat changed my life and have since gone on to be Lay Cistercian at the Holy Spirit Monastery in Conyers, GA.

  10. Thank you, Sister Melanie, for sharing such beauty with us each week. God bless you at this Christmas season and in the new year as you bless others.

  11. What a beutiful message and two wonderful videos, each in their own way blessing us, to be a part of this season. Thank you for this message today — have a blessed Christmas, Sister.

  12. Your reflection today brought back many memories of Christmas in my life. As a kindergarten teacher I relate to the Christmas programs. We put on a program every year for the parents and other guests that the children invited. All the children had a part – innkeeper, animals, shepherds, angels, Joseph, and Mary. To be fair to all the kids, they picked their part out of a hat. One year a shy little girl picked Mary and was sure that I had made sure that she got the role that she secretly wanted. The night after the program she had a gift for me. Her mom asked me to open it in front of her daughter. It was three little glass figurines of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. The little girl’s outfit was just like Mary’s. She was so excited to be able to give me Jesus for Christmas. I still have that little nativity set 30+ years later and think of and pray for her often. One of my favorite Christmas songs came from our little production – Violet in the Snow by Carey Landry. It takes me back to all the kindergartners and their wide eyed innocence at Christmas time. I have learned so much from His little ones.
    Wishing us all a blessed, Merry Christmas!

  13. Thanks Sister Melanie for your beautiful Christmas gift given today and throughout the year.
    I love your heart felt reflections, always laced with a sense of humour and humanity.

    Have a Blessed Christmas and Hope filled New Year – the jubilee year that starts tonight.

  14. Merry Christmas Sister Melanie!
    The video with the little ones reminded me of happy memories teaching in a Catholic School in the 70’s and 80’s. We would do a Christmas Show for the whole school and parents. I got to direct!
    We did not have anything as cute as a sheep grabbing baby Jesus but I know everyone present felt a true meaning as the first graders performed.
    Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. You are certainly in mine. 🙏

  15. Blessings of Peace * Love * Hope & Joy to you Sr. Melanie & to everyone!!!
    Thank you for your weekly inspirational…they have strummed the tune of my life often.

  16. Merry CHRISTmas to everyone!

    I’m thankful Jesus walked in our shoes so we can take comfort knowing He loves unconditionally & forgives us when we admit our sins.

    My reflection is on Sr. Regina Alfonso SND….as my instructor, she taught me the art of teaching & how to use the gifts God has given me, she challenged me to always seek to fulfill my mission on earth for the glory of God, & lastly, the gift of her friendship for over 30 years! She was & still is an integral part of who I am. Sr. Regina is my “angel-in- disguise”.

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