Prayer Before Beginning a Project
These past few months I have been working on a new book based on this blog, “Sunflower Seeds.” When I began this project, I prayed to our Creator God for assistance. Here is an adaptation of that prayer for anyone beginning a new endeavor–whether it’s hosting a family get-together, planning a vacation, preparing a parish […]
Quotations on Rest, Leisure & Play
It’s summertime in the northern hemishpere. So, I decided to visit my quotation files and see what I have filed under rest, leisure, and play. I hope you find these quotes inspiring and fun! 1) Leisure time is a gift of God for being refreshed physically, mentally, and spiritually, a time to strengthen bonds, to […]
My Struggles with Gardening
I had great hopes for my garden this year. I had great hopes last year too. But last year, I ended up harvesting 2 green peppers and 9 cherry tomatoes. That’s it. I gave my garden a C-. I was generous. This year’s garden is on a trajectory to merit the same grade. Probably lower. […]
The Truth about Sojourner Truth
(I’m writing this reflection to commemorate June 19th [sometimes called Juneteenth, Jubilee Day, or Emancipation Day], the federal holiday that commemorates the ending of slavery in the United States) Recently I read an article in the Smithsonian magazine (March 2024) by Cynthia Greenlee entitled “The Gospel of Truth.” It attempts to tell the true story […]
What Does Sin Do to Us?
What does the devil look like? One traditional image of Satan is this: He is a man in a red suit, with horns and a tail, wielding a pitchfork. He is smiling–or perhaps sneering is the more accurate word–because he takes delight in tempting human beings to sin–and eventually to go to hell. Satan is […]
A Bouquet of Flowers for You
It’s officially summer (in the northern hemisphere, that is.) Let’s celebrate by reflecting on flowers! We’ll begin with a few facts. Did you know there are over 400,000 different kinds of flowers? I believe that when our Creator God first came up with the idea of flowers, she just couldn’t stop making them! I hear […]
A Reflection for Memorial Day
(Please note: Today’s reflection deals with a very disurbing topic: war. Some of you may find this reflection very difficult to read. I understand. I found it very difficult to write.) Memorial Day will be celebrated next Monday in the U.S. This is the day set aside to remember and honor all those who died […]
“Lead, Kindly Light”: St. John Henry Newman
Today I’m sharing with you a famous prayer/poem/ written by St. John Henry Newman. But first, a few words about this saint canonized by Pope Francis in October 2019. John Henry Newman (1801-1890) was born in London, England, the eldest of six children. His father was a banker. As a child, he loved to read […]
Acceptance Speech for the Gift of Life
We are nearing the end of the Easter season which culminates in the feast of Pentecost on May 19th. I think the celebrations of Eastertide and Pentecost are celebrations of life. And next Sunday is also Mother’s Day in the U.S. when we give special thanks to our mothers for conceiving us, bearing us, giving […]
Praying with Isaiah 49: 8-15
Sometimes a scripture passage will speak to your soul. This passage from the prophet Isaiah (used this past Lent on March 13th) really spoke to me. I would like to share some of my prayer, my conversation with God, as I reflected on this passage. I will quote the words of Isaiah in regular type, […]