An 87-year-old nun lived in her community’s large health care center. To put it bluntly, she was not known for her cheerful disposition. Yet every day she would shuffle down the hall with her cane and pray before the statue of St. Therese the Little Flower—a saint who died at age 24. One day another sister overheard the elderly nun saying to the statue: “If you had lived as long as I have, you wouldn’t be a saint either!”
This true little story makes a good point: perseverance in virtue is not easy. Whereas it might be easy to be good for a short period of time (the week before Santa Claus comes, for example), it is not easy to be good for a long period of time (for the other 51 weeks of the year—let alone for 87 years!)
That’s why we tend to admire perseverance when we see it. We admire athletes who train rigorously for years just for a chance to compete in the Olympics. We admire a woman like St. Monica who prayed for the conversion of her son Augustine for over 30 years. And we admire married couples who have been happily married to each other for 50 years or even more.
What exactly is perseverance? It is the ability to persist in an undertaking over a long period of time despite counter influences, periodic setbacks, or bouts of discouragement. Synonyms include steadfastness, endurance, and constancy. But perseverance does not mean just sticking with something. We all know people who stayed in marriages or in other relationships that were destructive. Or individuals who stayed in unfulfilling jobs, even when they were offered something better, because they lacked the courage to change. That’s not the kind of perseverance that is a virtue.
When, then, is perseverance a virtue? To answer that question, let’s ask another one: What does God call us to persevere in? Jesus gives us the answer: Loving. No more, no less. Perseverance is a virtue when it is also an expression of steadfast love. At judgment time, God will not be interested in how long we persevered in a certain place or occupation or relationship. God will be interested only in how well we persevered in loving—no matter where we were or what we were doing.
I like the adage: “Persevere! Remember the greatest oak tree was once a little nut that held
its ground.” In one sense, every oak tree is an acorn that persevered. But it didn’t persevere in remaining an acorn. It persevered in becoming an oak tree. Healthy perseverance makes us grow and become better people. In fact, perseverance in loving can transform us into Jesus.
Jesus encouraged his disciples to persevere. In explaining the parable of the sower, for
example, Jesus said that the seed that fell on rich soil represented those who, upon hearing the word of God, “hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patient endurance” (Lk. 8:15). His other parables speak of perseverance too: the growth of the mustard seed, the woman searching for the lost coin, the shepherd seeking his lost sheep, the father watching for his wayward son to return home.
Jesus himself gave his disciples (and us) a beautiful example of perseverance throughout his life. He persevered in teaching his message of love and forgiveness despite fatigue, misunderstandings, and overt opposition. He persevered in trusting God, Abba, even when he was led away to be crucified.
Someone has said, “Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” Perseverance doesn’t come easy. Surely, then, perseverance in loving is a grace to pray for—perseveringly!
Loving God, You are the God of perseverance. Your love for us never fails. And I am made in your image and likeness. This means I am called to persevere in loving as you do. Help me to persevere in all my worthy endeavors—my vocation, my relationships, my good deeds. But most of all help me to remember that it is my perseverance in loving that matters most. When I get tired or discouraged or I fail in loving, help me to recall that good seed that fell on rich ground. Or that acorn that was transformed into a majestic oak tree. Or that father watching faithfully every day for his wayward son to return. I ask for the grace of perseverance through Jesus and the power of his steadfast Spirit. Amen.
Our love for God and others is a mere reflection of God’s steadfast love for us. Here is a short song that celebrates God’s steadfast love:
Think of someone you know or have read about that has demonstrated perseverance. What were some of the obstacles he or she faced? What factors do you think helped this person to persevere?
In your own journey of life, what helps you to persevere in loving?
9 Responses
I have a difficult week ahead of me, and I wonder if I’ll get through it. Your words today encourage me to keep on keeping on…or in other words to persevere. Thank you.
Thank you so much for this meaningful
site. The two songs were beautiful, I
will return to it often & keep you in
my daily prayers & Mass this Pm.
Kathy K
You always inspire me, but today you changed my heart!
Thank you!
It never struck me until today (your inspirational blog) that the father of the prodigal son was actually WAITING for his son…I knew he saw him and ran to him when his son came home, but to be waiting and watching for his return really touched my soul…waiting is perseverance.
There is also something I love about pictures of people running: Jesus running up the stairs out of his tomb on Easter, the father running to meet his prodigal son, my grandson running to the arms of his mommy.
Mel, great reflection …and wow I like that photo of the father running toward the prodical son….where did you get it? that is the partt of the story I always reflect on first. blessings, Marilyn
I think of a couple whose kids have given them much grief, added many unwarrented burdens to their later years and have expressed meager gratitude for their heroic generosity and forebearance. Yet they carry on, grateful for even small glimmers of hope that all their efforts may someday be rewarded by their children “coming home” like the prodigal son. To me, that is persevering love.
Perseverance -an example I think of is Mary she said yes to God and persevered with her son our dear lord through his life death and resurrection. What a mother we have! God bless!
Your perseverance is inspiring, Melannie. Thank you for continuing your weekly blog.
My prayer group recently finished using When the Blue Heron Flies for discussion and is now using Traits of a Healthy Spirituality, one of your first, but I won’t say best because they are ALL good.
Just ordered your new “good shepherd” book and look forward to that, since Psalm 23 is one of my favorite. Wonder what took you so long to get to it. (Just kidding.)
I saw a notice where you will be in the Cincinnati area early next year for a retreat. Good Lord willing, I’ll see you then
Blessings always.
Thanks so much for your words of wisdom. I need to stop and se the acorn & know it will become a mighty oak!!!