Sunflower Seeds


Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

Sunflower Seeds

Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

15 Things Jesus Did NOT Say

(Photo by Luis Santos – Pexels)

Jesus said a lot of things in the Gospels. But sometimes we get so used to hearing or reading them, we can take them for granted. Or we can forget their “shock value.” One way to reclaim the power and significance of what Jesus said, is to rewrite some of his sayings. That’s what I’ve done today. Here are fifteen things Jesus did NOT say? Do you know what he did say instead? I’ve given the scripture references in case you need a little help.

1) “Judge others.” (Mt. 7:1)

2) “How many times should you forgive someone? Once seems like enough to me.” (Mt. 18:22)

3) “Thanks, guys, for shooing away those women with their little brats. I don’t have much use for kids.” (Lk. 18:15-17)

4) “Mom, saving this couple from embarrassment and making this party last a little longer is a big waste of my powers.” (Jn. 2:1-11)

(Photo by Matthias Zomer – Pexels)

5) “The Kingdom of Heaven is in Heaven. Where else could it be?” (Lk. 17:21)

6) “Love those who look like you, talk like you, act like you, pray like you, and believe exactly what you believe.” (Mt. 5:43)

8) “Seek ye first your own comfort.” (Mt. 6: 33)

(Photo by RDNE – Pexels)

9) “I came to be served. That should be your goal in life too.” (Mk. 10: 45)

10) “I have come to call the righteous.” (Lk. 5: 31-32)

11) “Whoever wants to be my disciple must have no questions, no doubts, no problems, no shortcomings, no pains, and no sorrows.” (Mk. 8: 34)

12) “Worry about everything.” (Mt. 6:25)

13) “Never take a break or rest. There’s too much work to do.” (Mk. 6: 31)

14) “I am the Head Honcho. You are my pawns.” (Jn. 15: 5)

(Photo by Cindy Gustafson – Pexels)

15) “Don’t waste your time staring at the lilies in the field.” (Mt. 6: 28-30)

For reflection:

Did any of these re-writes stand out for you today?

Did any give your a greater appreciation of what Jesus really said?

I invite you to add something else Jesus did NOT say to this list.

I chose a song based on some of the things we know Jesus said. It’s called “Love One Another” by Bob Dufford, SJ. This version is sung by an ordinary family Mass community. The visuals show how parish communities all over are trying to live these words of Jesus.

I hope you’ll have a minute to add a comment below!

39 Responses

  1. “The first shall be first and the last shall be last”!!!! (Matt 20:16)

    “Make sure you parade your good deeds before all, to attract their notice”!!

    “Anyone who exalts themselves will be exalted; those who humble themselves will be humbled.” (Matt 23:12)

    1. Caroline, I really liked all three of these–but especially the first one. It shows how Jesus “reversed” the logical! Thanks for starting us off today with your clever examples of what Jesus did NOT say! Melannie

  2. Good morning, Sr. Melannie…
    Good morning, all…

    I don’t have my Bible handy, but here it goes (I think it’s from Luke 10): “You know what, James and John…those Samaritans WERE pretty rude not letting me pass through their country. You’re right. I think I will call down fire from Heaven!”

    1. John, Your example is a good one! It reveals how Jesus often went against the basic human tendency to “get even” when we are hurt or humiliated… and the temptation for Jesus to use his powers in an unloving way! Thanks for writing! Melannie

    2. Thanks for the chuckle!!!! All of Sr. Melannie’s “What Jesus didn’t say/” were spot on & easy to recognize in the Bible, but yours was even easy to visualize. Season 2, episode 1 of The Chosen.
      Thank you, Sr. Melannie for your wonderful weekly reflections!!!

    1. Your comment is most interesting, Catherine! I never thought of this as something Jesus did NOT say! Thank you! Melannie

  3. Good morning everyone!

    What a clever way to “restate” some everyday lessons Jesus spoke of through words and/or actions. What struck me most is how effective this reverse wording calls attention to what unfortunately is the norm these days.

    It is an eye opener that prods me to “check in” to see if how I conduct myself matches Jesus’s teachings. Actions DO speak louder than words!

  4. Carol, You make an important point. Sometimes the “normal behavior” in a given culture can be unchristian… and we can absorb such behavior without even realizing it! Thanks for writing! Melannie

    1. Alfred, Thank you for catching MY mistake. The reference should be Mt. 6: 28-30! I just changed it! Maybe I should hire you as my proofreader! Thanks again! Melannie

  5. Good morning, Sister: Always good things to think about and allow us to look at things from a different perspective. Mine is this:

    I get the best seat! I was first in line!!

    When I think of the first last and the last first, this comes to mind, especially in today’s very “privileged” world.

    Thank you,
    Michelle Rabb

    1. Michelle, Yes, we assume being first in line entitles us to certain privileges… You make a good point here! Thank you for writing! Melannie

  6. All the reversal statements give a lot to ponder. However, I can’t imagine going through life not thinking about and imitating what Jesus DID say.

  7. Loretta, Yes… we treasure and ponder the things Jesus DID say… I sometimes wonder, what other things did he say or what other parables did he give us that are lost to history… Maybe we’ll learn some of these things in eternity! Who knows? Thanks! Melannie

  8. I love this approach to pray about the teachings of our Savior!
    May I share with all a book I read recently by Gerhard Lohfink, S J called “The Most Important Words of Jesus” a thorough theological study of 70 phrases of Jesus. You might enjoy it. Peace.

    1. Rita, Thank you for the book suggestion. I have enjoyed several of Lohfink’s books and have referred to his writings on this blog. Sadly, he recently passed away. Melannie

    1. Jeanne, Probably most of us are so happy that Jesus never seemed to say these words… Rather, he says, “Come to me…” Thanks for your contribution! Melannie

  9. This is only my second time I’m visiting your inspiring site. I am so grateful to my dear friend for inviting me to check it out.

    Jesus did not say:
    Blessed are you the aggressive who mock Our Creator.

    Therese Frances Caruso

    1. Therese, Thank you for visiting my blog again–and for your comment! I appreciated your words! Melannie

  10. “Let the children come to me and do not prevent them–

    Let the children come to me and do not prevent them–How have we gotten SO far off track?

    So, let us never doubt there is a heaven because Jesus said so!!! Heaven’s name is Paradise.

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Hi and welcome to my blog! I’m Sister Melannie, a Sister of Notre Dame residing in Chardon, Ohio, USA. I’ve been very lucky! I was raised in a loving family on a small farm in northeast Ohio. I also entered the SNDs right after high school. Over the years, my ministries have included high school and college teaching, novice director, congregational leadership, spiritual direction, retreat facilitating, and writing. I hope you enjoy “Sunflower Seeds” and will consider subscribing below. I’d love to have you in our “sunflower community.” Thank you!

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